Roommates = LOVE.

Prior to deciding to study abroad, I was really nervous about the whole going there alone thing. I consider myself pretty social and I never really have an issue meeting people, but something about going and living in a different country without knowing anyone is a little scary. I knew though that I was going to push through it and tough it out because I needed to experience this. The semester prior to me going abroad, I had the opportunity to travel to Germany for two weeks with a class. On this trip I spent time getting to know two girls on the trip named Libby and Nicole. After two weeks of crazy fun, I knew that I had to bring up them coming with me to Florence. They agreed almost instantly and finally the fear of traveling abroad alone was gone because I wasn't going alone anymore. 

When we got there the first night we met our other three roommates, Lizzy, Meisha and Rachel. I had Facebook stalked them before I got there so I kinda knew what to expect. I bonded with Lizzy and Meisha a lot in the beginning and I was overall happy with my roommate situation. I spent a lot of my time with them and they are a really big part of the reason I had such a great experience. 

7 Reasons why my roommates were my saviors while I was abroad

1. Someone to party with - Like you can tell, I went out quite often while I was in Florence and thankfully, there was always one of my roommates down to go out whenever I wanted to. 

2. Someone to travel with - I was really devoted to seeing a lot when I was abroad, and anywhere that I wanted to go, there was someone in my apartment that wanted to come with. So I never had to travel alone. 

3. Someone to just chill with - Apart from the nights that we went out all together, many days during the week more than one person stayed home. So if I was just feeling like staying in, there was someone that was most likely down to do the same. 

4. Someone to explore Florence with - There were many times where we just walked around the city to take it all in and just appreciate the fact that we were living in this amazing city.

5. Someone to be in the same boat with - The whole experience is perfectly described as a roller coaster. Some days, I loved being there and some days I wanted to go home. I just had to realize that I had five other girls feeling the same and experiencing the same things as me.

6. Someone to talk with - Along with this great experience, there is always drama that comes with it. Tears were shed and amazing nights were had and the best part about drama or good times is being able to talk about it with someone the next day with no judgement.

7. Someone to reminisce with - 90% of the conversations I have with my roommates I had in Florence today are talking about past times while we were abroad or something that leads to talking about memories from our experience together. Your friends and family that weren't there will get sick of hearing about it so having people you experienced it around is really great! 

I am so thankful for my roommates I had while I was in Europe. I am so glad that I got along with most of them so well. I am actually currently living with Nicole, my roommate from Florence, and I am still so thankful for her. :] I move out of Mankato, MN in 8 days! 

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